AI Won't Take Your Job (MIT Study)

Plus, a new book about gen AI for busy leaders launching soon

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In today’s newsletter:

  1. 📖 AI Won’t Take Your Job - at least just yet (a study by MIT)

  2. 🤖 New Book about Generative AI for Busy Leaders (launching soon)

  3. 🏫 Newsletter about AI: The Rundown

  4. 🎤 One prompt you can use at work today

Read time: 3.5 minutes

1. AI Won’t Take Your Job - at least just yet (a study by MIT)

A recent study by MIT CSAIL, MIT Sloan, The Productivity Institute, and IBM’s Institute for Business Value focuses on the economic feasibility of AI in automating vision-related tasks, finding only 23% of such tasks are economically viable for AI automation.

In other words, for the majority of those task types, it’s just too expensive to use AI to replace them (at least at this time).

This is good news for many people and departs from general assumptions about AI taking over all of our jobs, so we do have some runway.

One thing to note is that the operating costs of AI are going down over time, so the runway might not be too long.

2. New Book about Generative AI for Busy Leaders (launching soon)

I’ve been writing a book called “Generative AI for Busy Business Leaders

It’s a very short book that covers practical frameworks and strategies that’ll help you use AI with your team.

Here’s a sneak peek of the cover:

The book is launching soon, and I’m looking for early reviewers.

If you’re interested in receiving a free early review copy of the book in exchange for an (honest) Amazon review, email me with a quick “I’m interested in the Gen AI book” and I’ll contact you when it’s out.

3. Newsletter about AI: The Rundown

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by The Rundown, a newsletter that covers daily updates about AI tools and workflows. More details below.

Transform your AI knowledge with The Rundown - the fastest growing AI newsletter in the world

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4. One Prompt You Can Use at Work Today

Here’s a practical ChatGPT Prompt you can use at work:

Note: This is an example that HR professionals can use, but feel free to modify it to any job role.

Outline a [process] for [audience], detailing key activities and milestones to [objective].

For example,

Outline a comprehensive onboarding process for new hires, detailing key activities and milestones to ensure a smooth integration into our company culture and team dynamics.

If you would like to see more of those prompts, check out my free book called: ChatGPT for Better Business Communication.

You can grab it for free by clicking the button and subscribing to the newsletter 👇️